1. St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture
Yury Nikolaevich Stolyarov is an outstanding classic of the Russian library and information science who made an invaluable contribution into the studies of its diverse aspects. He investigated into the library theory and methodology and efficiently applied the range of research approaches, with the focus on system and multidisciplinary methodology. Y. Stolyarov has developed the scholarly discipline of library collection studies. He introduced this vector as a valid, relevant and systemic scientific knowledge, and as a scientific activities of result-oriented, self-correcting, dynamic and continuing character. In his works, Y. Stolyarov provided in-depth characteristics of library collection, criteria, and principles of selection for various document types and formats with account of user information needs. He explored the library collection development cycle in the aggregate of its basic processes, namely modelling, acquiring, organizing, and managing.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library