Library user digital profiling: The structural and functional approach. (Part II)


Kapterev A. I.1ORCID


1. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Russian State Library; Moscow City Pedagogical University


The article continues on the topic raised in the Part I. In the Part I, the model library user digital profile (DP) is introduced, and the options for its structuring and application are discussed. The following issues are examined: a) user digital profile structure with specifying the layers, namely, subject, object, domain, communications, – and b) layer function – identification, clusterization, filtration, or collaboration. While the DP subject and object layers and the dominating factors were discussed in the Part I, the Part II details the DP domain and communications layers which would enable to meet library user information needs proactively.The article is prepared under the Government Order to RNPLS&T No. 1021062311368-2-5.8.3 “Development of e-librarianship as a scientific and academic discipline in the circumstances of transforming library collections, reference and bibliographic and document services in the digital environment” (FNEG-2022-0004) for 2022-2024.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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