Special components of society digital transformation to influence technological and behavioral models of modern libraries (Annual report at the Seventh World Professional Forum “SOCHI–2023”)


Shrayberg Ya. L.1


1. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Moscow State Linguistic University


In his annual report to the Seventh World Professional Forum “SOCHI–2023”, the author analyzes the status and trends of main technological aspects of modern library services and functions. He characterizes the digital transformation components that dynamically influence technological and behavioral models of modern libraries, e. g. artificial intellect (AI), neural networks, copyright laws, information market transformation, and foreign software import substitution. He gives his opinion on the role of the above-mentioned components in the library information practice. The emphasis is made on the ethics of AI application, neural networks, and changes in the copyright legislation. The author details into the issues of import substitution in the library and information industries, in particular, its principles and methods, and alternative domestic digital solutions. He offers his recommendations to the libraries on the work in new realities. The top-9 library technologies and top-5 technological novelties are specified.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library


General Medicine

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