1. Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The national strategy for Russian libraries up to the year 2030 was approved by the RF Government in 2021. The development vectors extend to every library in the country, including scientific and academic ones. The author reviews the library system of the Russian Academy of Sciences and evaluates the possibility to implement digital technologies. For this purpose, she analyzes the existing computerized information library systems in centralized library networks ( CLN). T he R AS l ibrary s ystem h as t he p otential t o i mprove i nformation support of research. The structure of the RAS library network replicates the regional and discipline-oriented organizational RAS structure. Based on the experience of Pushchino Central Library – department of the RAS Library for Natural Sciences, the author concludes that despite incongruous software, hardware and technology, the scientific libraries have the potential to improve library services to support research. Each library must support services demanded by its users and corresponding to their specific research goals
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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