On the performance and impact of research in storytelling by Russia scholars


Arutyunov V. V.1


1. Russian State University for the Humanities


   The author analyzes the dynamics of scientometrical indicators (publication activity, citation and impact) of Russian research in storytelling in 2012–2021. Storytelling is seen as the marketing technology used to deliver information to the audience through stories. In recent years, storytelling has been intensively used in advertising, social media, corporate blogging, and in education. The lines of research of the greatest impact are identified, among them: storytelling as an efficient communication technology, digital storytelling in students’ projects, and storytelling method in corporate management. In accordance with the Hirsch index, the Russian scholars’ research activity in the field exceeds significantly the world minimum value of 16. The dynamics of the above indicators is revealed, including the rare occurrence of continuous growth in the number of publications by the end of the existent period; the organization which storytelling studies are extensively used by country’s other institutions, are identified, among them Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin Pedagogical University, Ural State Pedagogical University, RF Ministry for Civil Defense Academy of State Fire-fighting Service. The analysis was accomplished based on Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) database. The illustrations are included to visualize the research findings.


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General Medicine

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