Media analytics in library research


Ageeva G. M.1ORCID


1. N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University


The paper goal is to define the role of media analytics in library research. The author characterizes the main types and methods of applied library research (sociological, library statistics, bibliometrics). As the media tools used in applied library studies are limited, the author discusses the potentialities of media analytics as a new and promising research vector. Monitoring of library media presence enables to assess the library’s communication PR policy, its ability to attract audience attention, and to demonstrate its potential and social role. The functionality of Medialogia computerized mass and social media monitoring system is discussed; the data formats, tools and library opportunities are examined. The media analytics methods, i. e. monitoring, statistical and infographical methods, as well as content analysis, are described. The author analyzes the results of search of RNPLS&T media hits in the period from May 30, 2021, to May 30, 2022. She concludes that the Library has been intensifying its media activity, and its PRperformance has been increasing. The author also offers the recommendations on upgrading this vector of activities and on how to enhance the role of media analytics in the applied library research.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library


General Medicine

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