Shaping unified information space in industries: Problems and solutions (the case study of agro-industrial complex)


Bunin M. S.1,Andreeva E. V.1


1. Central Scientific Agricultural Library


The problems of building up the single information space and industryspecific digital knowledge space are examined. The normative acts regulating and defining the creation of the unified information space of Russia, including the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030 and the RF Presidential Decree “On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy in the strategic planning in the Russian Federation”, are discussed. The purpose of the study was to analyze the current state of the process of shaping the unified information knowledge space (UIKS) of the agroindustrial complex. To form the unified information space of the industry, it is necessary to develop and adopt regulatory documents at the industry level, unified methodological approaches, software and linguistic tools, data presentation format; to design the scheme of interaction between system participants. There are 216 research institutions (RI) operating in the agricultural industry, i. e. 181 research institutes (SRI), 35 experimental stations and 57 higher educational institutions (HEI). In 2012 by the decision of the Russian Agricultural Academy, the centralized electronic library system was created, the cornerstone of which is the Union Catalog. The joint software, linguistic tools, data presentation format, and methodological foundations also exist. However, the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences has changed the situation, some research institutes have ceased implementing the decisions of the Russian Agricultural Academy. The formation of the UIKS of the Agro-Industrial Complex requires the relevant regulations approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the willingness of the research institutions’ executives.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library


General Medicine

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