Russian academic journals (the case study of journals in physics)


Sokolova Yu. V.1,Borgoyakova K. S.1


1. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Moscow State Linguistic University


The article analyzes the pool of Russian scientific journals in physics presented in the Russian Science Citation Index. The stages of this study are described and presented in detail. A preliminary general list of journals (173) has been formed and a list of journals (113) has been prepared according to the main selection parameters, which make it possible to identify the leading publications, both in their subject heading and in the section "Physics" in general. Based on the current version of the "State rubricator of scientific and technical information", the distribution of scientific journals by subject headings was carried out. Analysis of scientific journals in 12 thematic areas of physics made it possible to draw the main conclusions: on the presence in the VAK List (42 journals); on indexing in scientific citation databases – Web of Science (29 journals), Scopus (34 journals), RSCI (95 journals); for inclusion in the Russian Science Citation Index (54 journals); on the availability of free publication of manuscripts (40 journals); on the availability of royalties for the publication of manuscripts (4 journals).The article is prepared within the framework of the State Order “Development and improvement of the system of Open Archive of integrated information and library resources of Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology as modern knowledge management system in digital environment: on the way to Open Science” № 075-01300-20-00 for 2020–2022.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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