Analysis of the demand for the results of scientific activity in the main areas of Earth Sciences


Arutyunov V. V.1


1. Russian State University for the Humanities


The paper analyzes the importance of geological knowledge for solving a wide range of practical problems. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of the research of scientists and specialists in 2012–2018 in Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Mining, Geodesy and cartography on the basis of RSCI databases (Russian science citation index). The analysis was carried out taking into account a number of scientometric indicators: the publication activity of researchers – the annual number of their publications, as well as the citation of these publications and the demand for the results of their work. Features of publication activity are revealed: high values of its indicators for Geology and Geophysics and minimum values – for Geodesy and cartography; thus the number of publications on Geography and Mining approximately coincide. For Geology, there is stability in the number of publications since 2015, while in other analyzed industries there is a decline in the number of publications since 2017. Citation rates for all years under review are continuously decreasing. At the same time, in the field of Geophysics, citation rates are 3–4 times higher than similar indicators for Geography, and 7–9 times – indicators for Mining. The most popular are the results of research in Geophysics, the least – in the field of Geodesy and cartography. At the same time, if the annual demand for the results of studies in Geophysics exceeds similar indicators for Geography by 15–20%, for Geodesy and cartography – about 1.5 times. Low demand for all areas of research in 2018. The reason is obviously the same as for the small citation indicators this year: the delayed "response" of the scientific community to the publications of the current year.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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