Nurseitova Zhanar,Abayeva Galiya,Shubayeva Galiya,Karayeva Tileuzhamal,Rakhimova Aray
Relevance. The analysis of disorders connected with reading skills is important because it creates serious obstacles in mastering of the curriculum subjects by children of primary school.
Purpose. The use of speech therapy techniques described in the article, along with traditional corrective and pedagogical support, will help to overcome dyslexia of primary school children. Children with a specific reading disorder, which has influence on academic performance, must be analysed through psychological and pedagogical approach to overcome it.
Methodology. The method given in this article can be used as a propaedeutic component in the preschool period of literacy training. Proposed exercises can be included into the system of traditional speech therapy classes to overcome reading disorders.
Results. In this study, we are focused on experience of specialists, who deal with specific reading disorders providing corrective speech therapy for students. Teachers, psychologists, neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists have carried out the study of reading and writing disorders all over the world, but even now, this problem remains one of the most complex and insufficiently studied one.
Conclusions. It is recognized that foundational school education hinges on a child's proficiency in rapid and precise reading, coupled with the capacity to accurately comprehend the core content of the text. Speech therapists, primary school teachers and parents of special individual and subgroup classes can use exercises presented in article.
Scientific Journals Publishing House
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