An Algorithm for Measuring the Similarity of Histograms for Texture Image Segmentation


Goltsev Alexander1,Holtsev Oleksii2


1. Department of Neural Information Processing Technologies, International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies & Systems of the NAS & MES, Acad. Glushkov ave., 40, Kiev, 03187, UKRAINE

2. Department of Digital Environmental Monitoring Systems, International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies & Systems of the NAS & MES, Acad. Glushkov ave., 40, Kiev, 03187, UKRAINE


A simple algorithm for measuring the similarity between multi-column histograms is presented. The proposed algorithm is intended for texture segmentation of images using histograms as texture features. The purpose of developing such a specialized algorithm is to more accurately determine the boundaries between neighboring texture segments. The algorithm is specially designed so that to express the similarity value as a percentage. The main peculiarity of the proposed algorithm is that when calculating the similarity value, it considers not only the corresponding histogram columns but also takes into account their neighboring components. Due to this, the algorithm more adequately evaluates the similarity of histograms. The proposed algorithm was implemented as a computer program as an integral part of the image segmentation model. The efficiency of the histogram comparison algorithm is indirectly confirmed by the texture segmentation results of the image segmentation model in image processing experiments.


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

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