1. University Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne, INRIA, Paris, FRANCE
A lot of articles were produced during the pandemic of COVID-19 and continue to be produced. The article proposes a system for diagnosis of COVID-19 disease. Also nowadays, the presentation of knowledge and the research for the reasoning algorithms are progressively improving in the domain of Artificial Intelligence. Besides these, distributed reasoning as a part of data mining has become a solution for the increasing everyday data amount. As a result, the paper proposes a case-based non-monotonic reasoner for uncertain and vague COVID-19 information that is appropriate for work with Big Data. Also, a COVID-19 knowledge base model is proposed. The reasoner implements rules for the distribution of the information that gives the possibility to work with Big data. The proposed reasoning algorithm is applied for COVID-19. It shows the implementation of the reasoner into the data mining system and the returned results from the system are evaluated. The results show that the system returns relatively high results concerning the other system for recommendation.
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
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