1. PROCHÁZKOVÁ, D. Principles of Risk Management for Complex Technological Installations.. ISBN 78-80-01-06182-4. Praha: ČVUT 2017, 364 p. http://hdl.handle.net/10467/72582
2. PROCHÁZKOVÁ D. Analysis, Management and Trade-off with Risks of Technical Installations. ISBN 978-80-01-06480-1. Praha: ČVUT 2018, 222 p. http://hdl.handle.net/10467/78442
3. ZAIRI, M. Total Quality Management for Engineers. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 1991.
4. PROCHÁZKOVÁ, D., PROCHÁZKA, LUKAVSKÝ, J., DOSTÁL, V., PROCHÁZKA, Z., OUHRAB- KA, L. Risk management of Processes Associated with the Operation of a Technical Installation during its Lifetime. ISBN 978-80-01-06675-1. Praha: ČVUT 2019, 465 p. doi:10.14311/BK.9788001066751.
5. PROCHÁZKOVÁ D. Linking the Standards and Risk Management Results for Benefit of Safety. In: Risk Management of Processes, Equipment and Safety of Complex Technical Installations. ISBN 978-80-01-06906-6. Praha: ČVUT 2021, pp. 7-19. DSPACE. http://hdl.handle.net/10467/98461. doi.org/10.14311/ BK.9788001069066.