The Strategy of the Eurasian Economic Union Extra-Regional Integration


Konopelko Agnieszka1,Czerewacz-Filipowicz Katarzyna1


1. Department of Engineering Management, Bialystok University of Technology, 45a, Wiejska Street, Bialystok, Poland


The main purpose of the research presented in the article is to answer the question of whether or notthe Eurasian Economic Union has strategic opportunities to initiate integration processes with third countriesand built comparative advantages. The authors identify the channels of its integration with third countries aswell as assess their effectiveness based on the relationship with Vietnam, Singapore, Iran and China. Thefollowing methods were used: a critical literature analysis, an empirical analysis of the official documents, alogical construct method, an analytical theoretical overview of the Eurasian Economic Union external strategy,as well as statistical methods. Subsequently, based on the results obtained, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities, Threats) analysis was carried out. The work diagnoses the main vectors of the EurasianEconomic Union strategy, analyses its institutional extra-regional integration as well as defines the scope andmain channels of the influence of business and logistics on extra-regional integration. The main achievement ofthe research presented in the article is the diagnosis and assessment of the impact channels of EurasianEconomic Union extra-regional integration. The research points out that the organisation has an effective extraregional policy towards very different Eurasian countries and uses many channels of influence.


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)


Economics and Econometrics,Finance,Business and International Management

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