Policy Implementation of the Elimination on Child Labor: Could Indonesia Be Achieve of Free Child Labor in 2022?


Gunarto Gunarto1,Warsono Hardi1,- Kismartini1,Astuti Retno Sunu1


1. Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Jl. Prof. Sudarto, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java 50275, Indonesia


Currently it’s estimated that more than 152 million people are child laborers, around 10 percent of children worldwide. Most (71 percent) work in the agricultural sector. As many as 69 percent do unpaid work because they work in their own homes and nearly half (73 million people) work in jobs that endanger their health, safety and moral development. The objective of the paper is exploring the factors why a child of a child must work, policies in control the growth rate of child labor and finally in eliminating child labor in Indonesia. This study found the issue of child labor which involves many parties becomes a challenge for the parties to work together effectively to harmonize laws and regulations and law enforcement, expand and increase access to compulsory education and training, social protection and make effective policies to support an active labor market, and to create decent and productive jobs for adults. Moreover, coordination and synchronization between related parties in forms of social workers, government, community and stakeholders are needed.


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)


General Energy,General Environmental Science,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference36 articles.

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