Alternative Representations of Some Arithmetic Functions


Cardei Petru1


1. Computer Engineering INMA 6, Ion Ionescu de la Brad Blvd., Sector 1, Bucharest, 013813 ROMANIA


This article presents some results of the attempt to simplify the writing of arithmetic functions on the computer so that users can apply them without additional operations, such as summing after a set whose elements must be calculated, such as the set of numbers prime. The important role of the remainder function in defining most arithmetic functions is highlighted. Defining algorithms for the prime factorization of natural numbers highlights the possibility of representing natural numbers in a basis as "natural" as possible for natural numbers, namely the basis of prime numbers. The disadvantage of this natural basis is, for the time being, that it is infinitely dimensional. For now, this representation provides advantages but also disadvantages. Among the arithmetic functions proposed in the article, there are also statistical characterizations of the distribution of prime numbers, given with the hope of helping a better knowledge of the set of prime numbers. The importance of the remainder function in the computational definitions of arithmetic functions leads to reflections on the importance of fundamental operations - addition and multiplication - of natural numbers and the importance of inverse functions - subtraction and division. In turn, these operations can be seen as functions of two variables on the set of natural numbers. From here, readers are invited to reflect on the problem of the origin of natural numbers, the origin based on revelation or the origin provided by set theory, although this may also be a revelation.


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

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