Consistency and certainty of the road marking system as a subject of protection based on the offence law. Analysis of the characteristics of the offence from article 85 § 1 of offence code.


Kozłowska Małgorzata Klaudia1


1. Doktorantka w Zakładzie Prawa Administracyjnego Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego


Nowadays when the road infrastructure rapidly expands as well as the traffic, the correct road markings are of a vital importance in ensuring safety and efficiency of this traffic. Negligible number of road incidents caused by incorrect road markings results in treating quality and certainty of those markings as being of less importance. Thus, such an important issue is to ensure effective, criminal law protection of the legal interests which is a stable and reliable system of road markings. Polish legislator adopted as a subject of individual protection on the basis of code of offence inviolability of road signs and signals, and what stands behind it - stability and certainty of the road markings system. Road markings; Inviolability of road marks and signals; Road infrastructure


Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Komunikacji RP

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