Epidemiology of Childhood Asthma in Fayoum City (District) Egypt


Esam Eldin Gad-El-Rab Ahmad ,Ashraf Sayed Kamel ,Sayed Ali Amin ,Alaa Eldin Hashem


Asthma is a major public health problem worldwide. There was a sharp increase in the global prevalence of asthma over the last two decades. Few studies evaluated asthma prevalence in Egypt. Determination of the prevalence of bronchial asthma among school children aged 6-12 years old in Fayoum city (distrect) and identification of the risk factors associated with asthma. A questionnaire-based study conducted in the period from Feb to April 2013. We used a modified written International Study of Asthma and Allergies in the (ISAAC) questionnaire (phase I) translated into Arabic language. We added questions dealing with risk factors of asthma. We distributed 2872 questionnaires in this study which was conducted on (10) primary schools included both rural and urban areas. The subjects of the study were selected by multistage random sample technique. Out of the 2872 questionnaires, only 1656 questionnaires were returned only 103 children fitted the diagnosis of asthma. The prevalence of asthma in Fayoum city (district) 6.3%. was noted in females, high socioeconomic states and small family size. The main risk factors were: the first and second birth order, overcrowding at homes, high socioeconomic status, and small family size. Respiratory tract infections, exercise, smoking, house dust mites, diet, animal and allergens were the main precipitating factors for asthmatic attacks. The prevalence of bronchial asthma among primary school children aged 6-12 years old in Fayoum district, conducted in the year 2013, was 6.3% and was equally distributed among rural and urban areas.


UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences


General Medicine

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