Trends and prospects for the development of e-commerce in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Kazhiyeva Zh. Kh.1ORCID,Kuantkan B.1ORCID,Saparova B. S.2ORCID,Agumbayeva A. Ye.3ORCID


1. Shakarim University

2. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

3. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University


In recent years e-commerce has begun to play a significant role in the development of a market economy. Every year, its influence grows, changing the surrounding market infrastructure and people's attitude to the new conditions of digital commerce. The purpose of the article is to determine the features and prospects of the development of e-commerce in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The domestic online sales market is considered as an object of research. The paper analyzes the current state of the e-commerce market, identifies the main trends and prospects for its development. The dynamics of the development of e-commerce in the period from 2016-2022 is presented, the main factors that have a positive impact on the growth of e-commerce, such as a high level of digitalization, the development of new digital technologies in the market of non-cash payments and others are considered. The factors that have a negative impact on the domestic online sales market have been identified: underdevelopment of the logistics infrastructure, rising inflation, an insufficiently effective mechanism for regulating online commerce and consumer protection. To assess consumer behavior in regions with a less developed e-commerce market, a survey was conducted among residents of the Abai region, which allowed to determine the prospects for the development of this market. Measures have been proposed to develop the logistics infrastructure and introduce innovative delivery methods that will contribute to the growth of the industry. The results of the work can be used in the development and implementation of programs in the field of stimulating the development of the e-commerce market and improving its infrastructure.  


Turan University

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