International practice of state support for the commercialization of innovative technologies


Kulembayeva A. S.1,Xembayeva A. Kh.1,Mukhamedova M. M.1,Mukina G. S.1


1. Toraigyrov University


The article considers the main mechanisms and features of the formation and functioning of the system of commercialization of intellectual property objects used in foreign countries. The article summarizes the issues of the emergence of intellectual property rights in some countries of Europe and Asia, and studies the ways of commercialization of innovative technologies in the United States. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that such a system of state support for innovations stimulates an increase in the demand of participants in the process of commercialization of IPOs in bringing developments to the point of profit. Today, innovation and intellectual property form the basis for creating an innovative economy. To support economic growth, not only in a limited number of countries, but also around the world, they adhere to policies that regulate innovation. The purpose of the study is that it is necessary to consider the international experience of state support for the commercialization of innovative technologies and adopt it for the development of mechanisms for promoting innovative technologies in the intellectual property market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific and practical significance of the article suggests the identification and correction of acute problems in the Kazakh infrastructure of state incentives for the development of innovative business. The methodological basis of the study was the tools of general economic theory, supplemented by other general scientific methods and methods of quantitative analysis of empirical data and modern methods of system analysis. The main result of this study is the identification of problems in the field of commercialization of intellectual property and innovative technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the implementation of an effective system of state support for the development of innovative business.


Turan University


General Medicine

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