The relevance of ensuring the financial stability of commercial banks in Kazakhstan through the development of their own financial management


Seisekenova M. B.1ORCID,Berkinbayeva Ye. Ye.1ORCID,Korabayeva N. B.1ORCID


1. Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


The research topic is relevant due to the fact that the financial system belongs to the main and important areas of sustainable development of any country. The relevance of the article lies in the need to develop our Kazakhstan FM, to increase the stability and reliability of the STB. The purpose of the research topic is to reflect the role and importance of own financial management (hereinafter FM) in the activities of second-tier banks (hereinafter STB) as the main factor of sustainable growth and development of its stability. The article reflects the importance and value of adapting and developing one's FM in the activities of banks, taking into account the available resources and opportunities, the current market situation. In the course of the study, it was revealed that in order to improve the quality of management of banks' resources, more flexible ways of improving FM are needed. During the research, financial analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, economic and statistical evaluation, etc. were used. The materials of the scientific research were statistical data of the STB RK and Halyk Bank for 2018–2023, legal documents and analytical reports on this topic. The research proves the need for own FM, reveals the theoretical and applied aspects of the development and adaptation of FM in commercial banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to improve the quality of staff work, and increase the stability of STB. Despite the fact that many scientists consider FM issues; this problem remains not fully studied for Kazakhstan.


Turan University


General Medicine

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