Digitalization in the field of civil law: digital reputation


Nusipzhanov N. N.1ORCID


1. Turan University


The article is devoted to the study of the legal aspects of digital reputation, which is a necessary attribute of virtual interaction and a significant indicator of digital trust in the sphere of joint consumption of goods and services. Based on the analysis of the essence and significance of reputation in the context of the development of new technologies, the study of the methods used by modern online services to form and fix the reputation of users, an opinion is expressed on the advisability of recognizing digital reputation as an independent value and a possible object of property relations. Attention is also drawn to the role of digital reputation in creating a personal brand as a means of individualizing a participant in legal relationships. As a result, directions for the development of legislation are determined, including the unification of rating systems, as well as other mechanisms used by digital services to form and assess the reputation of their users; creation of an adequate essence of the digital reputation of the legal regime; creation of effective means for the preservation, transfer and use of information constituting a reputation, etc.


Turan University

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