Das neue Bundeswahlgesetz der Großen Koalition von 2020. Eine Risikoanalyse


Behnke Joachim


For the first time, in 2013 the electoral law introduced adjustment seats to compensate for surplus seats at the federal level . For the last two elections, this led to a considerable increase of the Bundestag’s size . The reform debate to shrink the Bundestag back to its original size of 598 seats that began in 2013, came to a preliminary end when in October 2020 the new electoral law was passed by the Grand Coalition . The law includes three mechanisms to contain the Bundestag’s size: First, half of the list mandates of the party that has surplus seats can be used for the compensation of surplus seats . Second, up to three surplus seats can be left untouched by adjustment seats . Third, the number of constituencies is reduced from 299 to 280 . Simulations demonstrate that these mechanisms most likely will not be sufficient to prevent a considerable augmentation of the Bundestag . Furthermore, the new law includes elements which could prove to be unconstitutional .


Nomos Verlag

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