Urasova A.A., ,Glezman L.V.,Shcheglov E.V., ,
The article reveals the provisions postulating mandatory accounting and regularity of observations in structural changes in industries, as well as industrial complexes. The developments in this regard are intended to become a new tool for predicting technological dominants in the development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Using individual indicators and indicators of the spatial and sectoral development of industries and complexes in conjunction with the methods of coefficient analysis, the authors tried to build structural models of machine-building production in a particular region, which interpret the trends of technological changes in the conditions of new industrialization. The authors focused on development trends in industrial production, since it is these industries and sectors that become the basis for the use of end-to-end technologies. In this context, the paper postulates the thesis of regular observations and monitoring of structural indicators in the basic sectoral directions of the region's development in order to develop new measures to overcome the technological backwardness of the Russian industry.
Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall
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