Spatial Analysis of Individuals Life Satisfaction in Turkey Within The Context of Socioeconomic Factors


DÜNDAR Özlem1,YASIM Yavuz Kağan2





Abstract Purpose: One of the main arguments of economics is that resources are scarce and needs are unlimited. Although it is thought that individuals may have high expectations from life in general, even meeting the most basic needs such as physiological and safety can increase the level of life satisfaction of individuals. Since the socioeconomic structure of the border neighboring regions in a country is similar, a change in the level of life satisfaction in a region will create a change in the same direction in the border neighboring regions this region. In this context, it is aimed to determine whether the life satisfaction level of individuals spreads in the border neighboring regions of 26 sub-regions of Turkey (second level Turkey Nomenclature of Units For Territorial Statistic -NUTS-) and the socioeconomic factors affecting the life satisfaction of individuals by spatial data analysis. Method: In the study, the spatial dependence of the life satisfaction levels of individuals in 26 subregions of Turkey was investigated by spatial data analysis for 2013. The life satisfaction survey published by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) was conducted at the provincial level in only 2013. Therefore, the analysis was carried out for 2013. For the variables included in the analysis, 2013 TÜİK and Social Security Institution (SGK) data were used. According to the test results Spatial Autoregressive Model (SAR) one of the spatial regression models was determined as the most suitable model for the study. Findings: According to the SAR model result, the life satisfaction level of individuals spreads among the border neighboring regions. In addition, while the average daily income and internal migration of the region affect the life satisfaction level of individuals positively; unemployment rate, college and faculty graduates, crimes against property and violent crimes affect negatively. Again, according to the SAR model result, per capita gross domestic product and consumer price index have no effect on the life satisfaction of individuals. Implications: It can be accepted that the high level of life satisfaction of individuals in a country is an indicator of the socioeconomic development of the country. For this reason, it is important to determine the socioeconomic factors that affect the life satisfaction of individuals. The fact that the level of life satisfaction of individuals in a country spreads in border neighboring regions reveals the importance of eliminating socioeconomic differences between regions. Originality: In studies on the subject, mostly logit and probit models and fixed effect panel data models were used as analysis methods. No studies using spatial data analysis method were found. Again, there were not many studies that included crime types and migration rates of regions as independent variables in the analysis. No studies were found in which these variables were investigated for Turkey. For these reasons, it is thought that the study creates originality.


Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi







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