1. A Study on the Fuel Cell Equivalent Circuit Modeling
2. Hydrogen Council, “Hydrogen scaling up: a sustainable pathway for the global energy transition”, Hydrogen Council, 2017. Retrieved from https://hydrogencouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Hydrogen-Scaling-up_Hydrogen-Council_2017.compressed.pdf.
3. Review of Research Trend in Fuel Cell: Analysis on Fuel-Cell-Related Technologies in Electrode, Electrolyte, Separator Plate, Stack, System, Balance of Plant, and Diagnosis Areas
4. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), “Roadmap to revitalize the hydrogen economy”, MOTIE, 2019. Retrieved from http://www.motie.go.kr/motie/ne/presse/press2/bbs/bbsView.do?bbs_seq_n=161262&bbs_cd_n=81¤tPage=1&search_key_n=&cate_n=&dept_v=&search_val_v=.
5. A review on proton exchange membrane multi-stack fuel cell systems: architecture, performance, and power management