1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation
The authors carry out a comparative analysis of the fruits of the common cranberry, used in the Russian Federation as food and medicinal raw materials, and the fruits of the large-fruited cranberry, which is the most cultivated species, the cultivation of which began in the 19th century in Canada and the United States, and in Russia has been widely spread since 1980.
An important group of biologically active substances in cranberry fruits is undoubtedly anthocyanins [5], which have a pronounced antioxidant activity, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate the processes of protein biosynthesis, and have a stimulating effect on reparative processes. In vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that anthocyanin pigments can significantly reduce the rate of cancer cell division.
HPLC method established the presence of anthocyanins in the fruits of common and large-fruited cranberries. In the composition of the anthocyanin fraction of all the studied samples, peonidin-3-arabinoside was identified, the presence of which makes it possible to reliably identify cranberry fruits and their processed products. The total amount of detected anthocyanin pigments ranges from 0.17% (1.31% by weight of absolutely dry raw materials) in fruits of fresh common cranberries to 0.27% (1.64% by weight of absolutely dry raw materials) in fruits of large-fruited cranberries of the Mack variety -Farlin The observed differences can be associated with both ecological and geographical factors, i.e. the difference caused by the harvesting of raw materials in different places where cranberries grow, and the season of harvesting fruits for analysis, which undoubtedly requires additional study of cranberry fruits from different regions of harvesting and harvesting time and will be continued in subsequent studies.
The authors also found that during the preservation of cranberries by freezing, the content of anthocyanins decreases, which makes it possible to recommend the maximum processing of fresh raw materials.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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