1. Kuban State Medical University, Russian federation
Currently, both classical and improved methods of performing local conduction anesthesia on the upper jaw in the area of the infraorbital foramen are used in dental practice. Classical techniques for performing infraorbital anesthesia do not provide a wide area of anesthesia and the palatal surface of the alveolar process is not anesthetized, so an intraosseous method of administering an anesthetic in the area of the “crow’s foot” projection was proposed, but this method has the disadvantage of traumatizing the cortical plate of the alveolar process of the upper jaw in areas of intraosseous injection of local anesthetic. The Ushnitsky-Chakhov apparatus is used to perform infraorbital anesthesia using the extraoral method, but its use does not provide individualization of all parameters and structural features of the infraorbital canal, which often opens on the anterior surface of the body of the upper jaw with not one hole, but two or three, and therefore the clinical effectiveness of this type of pain relief in certain clinical cases is low. The variability of the anatomical and topographic parameters of the location of the infraorbital foramen, the structural features of the facial skeleton of each patient necessitates the search for new personalized methods of performing infraorbital anesthesia through individualization and the process of performing local conduction anesthesia by using a combination of x-ray and digital diagnostic methods, as well as the use of an individual navigation template that allows ensure the accuracy, safety and high clinical effectiveness of this method of conduction anesthesia when performing dental and other types of medical manipulations on the upper jaw.
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