The quantitative advantages of using B-field sensors in time-domain EM measurement for mineral exploration and unexploded ordnance search


Asten Michael W.1,Duncan Andrew C.2


1. Monash University and Flagstaff GeoConsultants Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia..

2. Electromagnetic Imaging Technologies Pty. Ltd., Perth, Australia..


The use of simple models for decay of conductive targets under conductive overburden and for the decay of magnetically permeable conductive steel objects allows quantitative consideration of the advantages of the use of magnetic-field detectors in time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) measurements, or more generally, the advantage of step response over impulse response TEM systems. We identified eight advantages of the step response versus impulse-response systems. The first two advantages relate to the inductive limit (early time) decay behavior, in which a target response amplitude is largely dependent on geometrical rather than conductivity parameters. Five further advantages occur when measuring response of a target in a conductive host or under conductive overburden; the maximum target-to-overburden response occurs 25%–30% earlier in time, the earliest target detection time occurs a factor 2–4 earlier, and the amplitude advantage of target-to-overburden response is a factor in the range of 1–10 for the step versus impulse-response systems, respectively. These advantages agree quantitatively with field observations on a chalcopyrite orebody under conductive cover. We used a model response for a conductive permeable sphere to derive mathematically consistent approximations for the power-law and exponential decay behaviors for step and impulse responses of metal objects, from which the onset of late-time exponential decay of EM responses of unexploded ordnance occurs about a factor of two earlier in time for the step response. This earlier-time transition together with the higher signal-to-noise ratio available from the step-response measurement makes measurement of the fundamental time-constant of unexploded ordnance (UXO) possible for medium and large UXO where the time constant is in the range of tens of milliseconds. This time-constant thus becomes accessible as an additional parameter for UXO characterization and discrimination.


Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

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