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2. Brown, P. A. , D. Stone, and N. Rey, 1984, Criteria from selecting new areas for geological investigation within the Eye-Dashwa Lakes pluton: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Technical Record TR-237, http://www.aecl.ca/newsroom/reports/library.htm, accessed 07 April 2010.
3. Dugal, J. J. B. , E. M. Hillary, D. C. Kamineni, and R. I. Sikorsky, 1981, Drilling and core logging programs at the Atikokan research area: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Technical Record TR-174, http://www.aecl.ca/newsroom/reports/library.htm, accessed 07 April 2010.
4. A comparison of magnetic character and alteration in three granite drill cores from eastern Canada
5. Hillary, E. M. , 1982, Geometric representation of subsurface fracturing in boreholes ATK-1, ATK-2, ATK-3, ATK-4 and ATK-5, Atikokan, Northwestern Ontario (RA 4): Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Technical Record TR-182, http://www.aecl.ca/newsroom/reports/library.htm, accessed 07 April 2010.