1. University of Kurdistan.
The common-reflection-surface (CRS) stack in addition to high signal-to-noise ratio stacked sections creates the curvature and local dip of a reflector. With this information, so-called kinematic wavefield attributes, it is possible to obtain a subsurface velocity model for laterally inhomogeneous media using normal-incidence-point (NIP) wave inversion. The result of CRS provides some location points on the stacked section as input for the inversion. In each iteration, dynamic ray tracing is applied along the central ray according to an input data point. With this technique, the parameter needed for forward modeling will be obtained. By updating the velocity model and minimizing the misfit between input data and the forward model parameter, it is possible to achieve a final velocity model consistent with input data. In this paper, we applied the CRS method on complex structure in the northeast of Iran, and then we performed the NIP-wave tomography inversion on this data set by means of CRS attributes. The result clearly shows the ability of NIP-wave tomography in velocity-model inversion.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists