First time-lapse OBN in Bonga deepwater offshore field


Aikulola Understanding1,Okpobia Oke2,Okonkwo Arinze2,Yamusa Idris2,Saragoussi Emmanuel3,Osabuohien Osahon4,Adegbite Adedolapo4,Ogunsakin Akintunde4,Smith Patrick5,Hatchell Paul1


1. Shell, Houston, Texas, USA..

2. Shell, Lagos, Nigeria..

3. Schlumberger, New York, New York, USA..

4. Schlumberger, Port Harcourt, Nigeria..

5. WesternGeco, Stavanger, Norway..


Time-lapse seismic data from Bonga Field, located in deepwater Nigeria, have delivered excellent results previously from dedicated streamer seismic surveys (2000, 2008, and 2012) that image changes in amplitude due to water replacing oil. One challenge with the streamer data is the presence of a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit. It is difficult to accurately repeat streamer acquisition geometry in economically important updip regions of reservoirs that lie beneath the FPSO. To ensure an accurate repeat of this area, we acquired an ocean-bottom node (OBN) survey in 2010 and carried out the first time-lapse OBN repeat of the survey in 2018. Time-lapse processing of the OBN data produced excellent results. We obtained an OBN-on-OBN normalized root mean square (NRMS) difference repeatability of 6%. This was an improvement over the 12% NRMS for streamer-on-streamer repeats. The OBN data quality was unaffected by the FPSO, enabling us to properly image the changes occurring in this area. The 4D OBN interpretation was used to identify bypassed oil opportunities. The data also were used to derisk well placement, optimize water injection, and update the dynamic reservoir models. The new models are essential to enhance predictability and field performance. We also analyzed an area northwest of the field where we extended the 2018 OBN acquisition and compared it to streamer data to optimize a new injection well location.


Society of Exploration Geophysicists









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