1. Alexander, M., D. Oxley, J. C. Pratsch, and C. Prieto, 2005, Northern Gulf of Mexico: Basins, Massifs, and the upper Crust: 71st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 573–574.
2. Gulf of Mexico tectonic history: Hotspot tracks, crustal boundaries, and early salt distribution
3. Dal, J.‐A., G. Guerin, and J. Mather, 2006, The Paleocene‐ Eocene of the Gulf of Mexico, a 350‐mile‐long salt gravity driven sliding system: Presented at the 2006 AAPG Annual Meeting.
4. Fillon, R. H., A. S. Waterman, and P. N. Lawless, 2006, Comparison of well‐based chronostratigraphic data and mapping with deep seismic imagery in the Gulf of Mexico Basin, Paleogene reservoir implications: Presented at the 2006 AAPG Annual Meeting.