1. INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement.
2. geoLEARN ().
Machine learning is becoming an appealing tool in various fields of earth sciences, especially in resources estimation. Six machine learning algorithms have been used to predict the presence of gold mineralization in drill core from geophysical logs acquired at the Lalor deposit, Manitoba, Canada. Results show that the integration of a set of rock physical properties — measured at closely spaced intervals along the drill core — with ensemble machine learning algorithms allows the detection of gold-bearing intervals with an adequate rate of success. Since the resulting prediction is continuous along the drill core, the use of this type of tool in the future will help geologists in selecting sound intervals for assay sampling and in modeling more continuous ore bodies during the entire life of a mine.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Reference9 articles.
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2. Caté, A., P. Mercier-Langevin, P. S. Ross, S. Duff, M. Hannington, B. Dubé, and S. Gagné, 2015, Geology and Au enrichment processes at the Paleoproterozoic Lalor auriferous volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba, in J. Peter and P. Mercier-Langevin, eds. Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit genesis and exploration methods development: Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7853, 131–146.
3. Data Mining for Imbalanced Datasets: An Overview
4. Using geochemical proxies to model nuggety gold deposits: An example from Sunrise Dam, Western Australia
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53 articles.