1. Christensen, C., R. Metzbower, A. Berzanskis, J. Haldorsen, J. Machnizh, G. Bergery, V. Lesnikov, M. Verliac, A. Al Dawood, and H. Merry, 2020, Optical accelerometers for borehole applications, DAS Workshop: 90th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
2. Farhadiroushan, M., T. R. Parker, and S. Shatalin, 2009, Method and apparatus for optical sensing: patent WO2010136810A2.
3. Converted-Shear and Compressional Images Using Projection Imaging
4. Spatial aliasing and 3C seismic sensors
5. Locating microseismic sources using migration-based deconvolution