1. Cha, Y. H., J. Sun, T. Vdovina, C. Marcinkovich, V. Brytik, R. Lu, S. Lazaratos, V. Singh, and I. Dura-Gomez, 2009, Improved structural imaging and amplitude fidelity through FWI and LS-RTM for pre-salt reservoir characterization: Presented at the First EAGE Workshop on Pre-Salt Reservoir: from Exploration to Production.
2. Carbonate and igneous rock characterization through reprocessing, FWI imaging, and elastic inversion of a legacy seismic data set in Brazilian presalt province
3. Utley, J., K. Miller, E. Pederson, M. Bowen, A. Bucki, K. Basler-Reeder, G. Jones, B. Laugier, E. Hixon, R. Wenger, M. Ibrahim, and J. Zubizaretta, 2009, An example of applying geostatistical inversion to inform reservoir quality distribution, pre-salt Santos Basin, Brazil: Presented at the First EAGE Workshop on Pre-Salt Reservoir: from Exploration to Production.
4. Anisotropic 3D elastic full-wavefield inversion to directly estimate elastic properties and its role in interpretation
5. Full-waveform inversion for salt: A coming of age