2. University of Tehran
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Reference24 articles.
1. Aghamiry, H., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2018a, Hybrid Tkhonov + total-variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full-waveform inversion: 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1253–1257, doi: 10.1190/segam2018-2996968.1.
2. Aghamiry, H., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2018b, Imaging contrasted media with total variation constrained full waveform inversion and split Bregman iterations: 80th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, We A12 06, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201801033.
3. Aghamiry, H., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2019a, Compound regularization of full-waveform inversion for imaging piecewise media: arXiv:1903.04405, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12987.05923.
4. Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with the alternating direction method of multipliers