1. Le Diagon, F., J. Soldo, E. C. Mundim, C. E. Lemos, D. C. Garcia, A. Z. N. De Barros, N. Moldoveanu, A. Fenwick, T. Bunting, A. Cooke, and R. D. M. Centeno, 2011, First full-azimuth towed-streamer survey offshore Brazil - an acquisition and survey design case study: Presented at the 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 7-10, 10.1190/sbgf2011-002.
2. Le Diagon, F., L. A. Salinas, E. S. Casillas, and F. M. Alcántara, 2016, Advanced methods to build complex earth models for seismic modeling: Presented at the International Conference and Exhibition, AAPG.