1. Bath, G. D., and Jahren, C. E., 1984, Interpretation of magnetic anomalies at a potential repository site located in the Yucca Mountain areas, Nevada Test Sites: U. S. Geol. Surv. Open‐File Report 84–120.
2. Blakely, R. J., 1995, Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications: Cambridge Univ. Press.
3. Approximating edges of source bodies from magnetic or gravity anomalies
4. Cather, S. M., Connell, S. D., Heynekamp, M. R., and Goodwin, L. B., 1997, Geology of the Sky Village SE (Arroyo de Las Calabacillas) 7.5′ quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bur. Mines and Min. Res. Open‐File Digital Geologic Map OF-DGM9.
5. Cordell, L., 1984, Composite residual total intensity aeromagnetic map of New Mexico: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Geophysical Data Center. [A map of these data for the Albuquerque basin is presented (without complete reference) in Pazzaglia, F. J., and Lucas, S. G, Eds., 1999, Albuquerque geology: New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook,50, 133.]