1. ASTM, 2015a, D2797 Standard practice for preparing coal samples for microscopical analysis by reflected light: Annual book of ASTM standards, petroleum products, lubricants, fossil fuels, gaseous fuels, coal, and coke: ASTM International, sec. 5, 5.06, 528–532, http://www.astm.org/Standards/D2797.htm, accessed 2 February 2017.
2. ASTM, 2015b, D7708 Standard test method for microscopical determination of the reflectance of vitrinite dispersed in sedimentary rocks: Annual book of ASTM standards, petroleum products, lubricants, fossil fuels, gaseous fuels, coal, and coke: ASTM International, sec. 5, 5.06, 910–919, http://www.astm.org/Standards/D7708.htm, accessed 2 February 2017.
3. Rapid Analysis of Kerogen Hydrogen-to-Carbon Ratios in Shale and Mudrocks by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
4. Semi-Open Pyrolysis of Oil Shale from the Garden Gulch Member of the Green River Formation
5. Post-oil solid bitumen network in the Woodford Shale, USA — A potential primary migration pathway