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2. Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, N. Karaev, A. Anisimov, and E. Kozlov, 2004, Physical modeling and theoretical studies of seismic reflections from a fault zone: 64th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1674–1677.
3. Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data—Part I: HTI model due to a single fracture set
4. Baransky, N. L. , E. A. Kozlov, L. A. Davydova, and M. L. Afanasiev, 2006, Oil saturation, reflection amplitude, and frequency — Direct or reverse proportionality? EAGA, EAGE, and SEG, International Conference and Exhibition, Saint Petersburg, Expanded Abstracts.
5. Baransky, N. L. , E. A. Kozlov, I. A. Mushin, and E. A. Davydova, 2005, Seismic signature of the pore space hydraulic connectivity: EAGA and EAGE Conference “Geomodel-2005,” Expanded Abstracts (in Russian).