“Sem Pressão”: application with guidelines for identification, staging and prevention of pressure injuries


Campos Rosana Siqueira1ORCID,Blanes Leila1ORCID,Nicodemo Denise1ORCID,Ferreira Lydia Masako1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de São Paulo − Escola Paulista de Medicina − Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Gestão Aplicadas à Regeneração Tecidual – São Paulo (SP), Brazil


Objective: develop an application with guidance on the identification, staging and prevention of pressure injuries in adults. Method: the descriptive method used started with the search for applications in the area of pressure injuries on the Google © and Apple © platforms. Afterwards, the content was developed, based mainly on the recommendations of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. A prototype was created at www.fábricadeaplicativos.com.br and sent for evaluation of form and content. Six health professionals completed a questionnaire evaluating the application and two of them suggested changes. The application was adequate to the suggestions and reassessed by three stomatherapist nurses who did not suggest changes. Results: the application was developed on the “application factory” website and named “Sem Pressão” (No Pressure), with seven tabs. Conclusion: the application was created with guidelines on identification, staging and prevention of pressure injuries in adults, and made available for free download.


SOBEST Associacao Brasileira de Estomaterapia

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