Knowledge of nurses in primary health care about the indication of special coverage


Caveião Cristiano1ORCID,Hey Ana Paula2,Sales Willian1ORCID,Tavares Edson1ORCID,Souza Elisangela1ORCID,Silva Marly3ORCID


1. Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil

2. Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná

3. Universidade Positivo


Objective: To identify the knowledge of nurses in primary health care in a municipality about the indication of special coverage. Method: An exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach performed with 101 nurses in 109 health units of primary health care through a structured instrument. The data were statistically analyzed with frequency distribution, percentiles, average, median, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, confidence interval, p-value and two-proportion equality test to compare the group that has qualification/improvement in the area with the group do not have. Results: About the indication of the coverage, 79.2% reported that it is intended to control exudate and non-viable tissue, and the indication with the highest percentage of correct answers for use in wounds was the silver hydrofibra coverage and hydrocolloid with silver. Conclusion: Primary care nurses with qualification/ improvement courses do not have enough knowledge to indicate the coverage.


SOBEST Associacao Brasileira de Estomaterapia

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