Realidade dos enfermeiros no cuidado da pessoa com ferida oncológica de cabeça e pescoço: estudo exploratório


Vicente Camila1ORCID,Amante Lucia1ORCID,Santos Maristela2ORCID,Girondi Juliana1ORCID,Rosa Luciana1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

2. Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas


Objective: To know the reality of nurses in the nursing care for the person with head and neck oncological wound. Methods: Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. The semi-structured interview occurred in July 2017 with 12 nurses from a cancer reference center in south of Brazil. The data were submitted to the thematic analysis proposed by Minayo. Results: Nurses perform comprehensive care based on scientific knowledge to choose an appropriate therapy in the treatment of the wound. The permanent education and the existence of the specialized team facilitate the practice. The difficulties, when its appear, involve the therapeutic choice, the continuity of the home treatment and the control of the symptoms of the oncological wound. Nurses recognize its work as essential, rewarding and satisfying for bringing improved quality of life to people. Conclusion: The objective of the study was reached, highlighting the essential role of nurses and the benefits of continuing education. It is reaffirmed that a specialized team and a stomatherapist nurse are fundamental for the quality and resolution of nursing care for oncological wounds.


SOBEST Associacao Brasileira de Estomaterapia

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