Green management: the sustainability’s path of no return in organizations


Luz Eduardo Hercilio daORCID,Belli Rodrigo FernandoORCID,Santos Ruan Carlos dosORCID


Objective: This paper sought to investigate whether competitiveness is affected by the use of sustainable practices and programs, concluding that yes, both can go together, strengthening the organization and proving to be a competitive differential. Based on the concerns about sustainability versus competitiveness in the nautical sector, the following research problem was defined: in what way can sustainability and competitiveness move in the same direction in an organization in the nautical segment? Based on this question, the general objective was defined as identifying the tangible and intangible criteria of sustainability and competitiveness in the perception of the stakeholders of an organization in the nautical segment. Methodology/approach: The quantitative approach was used for data measurement, predetermined variables, data analysis and interpretation. With the focus on the interpretation of the research data and its analysis, establishing a closed questionnaire with the intention of collecting clear answers and facilitating the understanding of the research population. Originality/Relevance: The application of sustainable practices acts as a motivating source of competitiveness in a nautical segment organization; all those involved are aware that sustainability is as important as competitiveness; and the sustainable practices developed have a proportional positive impact on the responsibility of those involved in their homes. Main conclusions: The organization is aware that sustainability is as important as competitiveness. And, therefore, that the sustainable practices developed in the boating organization have proportional positive impact on the responsibility of those involved within their households, and the hypotheses are proven true by the results obtained. Theoretical/methodological contributions: This correlation between sustainability and competitiveness is well accepted by stakeholders, and the junction of both is seen as fundamental to a good progress of all work and environmental programs, and can be considered a differential of the nautical organization. And both tangible and intangible aspects are noticeable to all involved, who seek to participate in environmental programs, adding value to the name of the nautical organization and those who seek to disseminate these sustainable practices together.


Editora Alumniin

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