Topology of symplectomorphism groups of rational ruled surfaces


Abreu Miguel,McDuff Dusa


Let M M be either S 2 × S 2 S^2\times S^2 or the one point blow-up C P 2 # C P ¯ 2 {\mathbb {C}}P^2\#\overline {{\mathbb {C}}P}^2 of C P 2 {\mathbb {C}}P^2 . In both cases M M carries a family of symplectic forms ω λ \omega _{\lambda } , where λ > 1 \lambda > -1 determines the cohomology class [ ω λ ] [\omega _\lambda ] . This paper calculates the rational (co)homology of the group G λ G_\lambda of symplectomorphisms of ( M , ω λ ) (M,\omega _\lambda ) as well as the rational homotopy type of its classifying space B G λ BG_\lambda . It turns out that each group G λ G_\lambda contains a finite collection K k , k = 0 , , = ( λ ) K_k, k = 0,\dots ,\ell = \ell (\lambda ) , of finite dimensional Lie subgroups that generate its homotopy. We show that these subgroups “asymptotically commute", i.e. all the higher Whitehead products that they generate vanish as λ \lambda \to \infty . However, for each fixed λ \lambda there is essentially one nonvanishing product that gives rise to a “jumping generator" w λ w_\lambda in H ( G λ ) H^*(G_\lambda ) and to a single relation in the rational cohomology ring H ( B G λ ) H^*(BG_\lambda ) . An analog of this generator w λ w_\lambda was also seen by Kronheimer in his study of families of symplectic forms on 4 4 -manifolds using Seiberg–Witten theory. Our methods involve a close study of the space of ω λ \omega _\lambda -compatible almost complex structures on M M .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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