Embedding theorems for solvable groups


Roman’kov Vitaly


In this paper, we prove a series of results on group embeddings in groups with a small number of generators. We show that each finitely generated group G G lying in a variety M {\mathcal M} can be embedded in a 4 4 -generated group H M A H \in {\mathcal M}{\mathcal A} ( A {\mathcal A} means the variety of abelian groups). If G G is a finite group, then H H can also be found as a finite group. It follows, that any finitely generated (finite) solvable group G G of the derived length l l can be embedded in a 4 4 -generated (finite) solvable group H H of length l + 1 l+1 . Thus, we answer the question of V. H. Mikaelian and A. Yu. Olshanskii. It is also shown that any countable group G M G\in {\mathcal M} , such that the abelianization G a b G_{ab} is a free abelian group, is embeddable in a 2 2 -generated group H M A H\in {\mathcal M}{\mathcal A} .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

Reference14 articles.

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2. Some reflections on finitely generated metabelian groups;Baumslag, Gilbert,1990

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4. P. Hall, Nilpotent groups, Canad. Math. Cong. Summer Sem., University of Alberta, 1957, 12–30.

5. Embedding theorems for groups;Higman, Graham;J. London Math. Soc.,1949

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