Ideal approach to convergence in functional spaces


Bardyla Serhii,Šupina Jaroslav,Zdomskyy Lyubomyr


We solve the last standing open problem from the seminal paper by J. Gerlits and Zs. Nagy [Topology Appl. 14 (1982), pp. 151–161], which was later reposed by A. Miller, T. Orenshtein, and B. Tsaban. Namely, we show that under  p = c \mathfrak {p}=\mathfrak {c} there is a  δ \delta -set that is not a  γ \gamma -set. Thus we constructed a subset A A of reals such that the space C p ( A ) \mathrm {C}_p(A) of all real-valued continuous functions on A A is not Fréchet–Urysohn, but possesses the Pytkeev property. Moreover, under  C H \mathbf {CH} we construct a  π \pi -set that is not a  δ \delta -set solving a problem by M. Sakai. In fact, we construct various examples of δ \delta -sets that are not γ \gamma -sets, satisfying finer properties parametrized by ideals on natural numbers. Finally, we distinguish ideal variants of the Fréchet–Urysohn property for many different Borel ideals in the realm of functional spaces.


Austrian Science Fund


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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