Isomorphism of the cubical and categorical cohomology groups of a higher-rank graph


Gillaspy Elizabeth,Wu Jianchao


We use category-theoretic techniques to provide two proofs showing that for a higher-rank graph Λ \Lambda , its cubical (co-)homology and categorical (co-)homology groups are isomorphic in all degrees, thus answering a question of Kumjian, Pask and Sims in the positive. Our first proof uses the topological realization of a higher-rank graph, which was introduced by Kaliszewski, Kumjian, Quigg, and Sims. In our more combinatorial second proof, we construct, explicitly and in both directions, maps on the level of (co-)chain complexes that implement said isomorphism. Along the way, we extend the definition of cubical (co-)homology to allow arbitrary coefficient modules.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)

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