Smooth local rigidity for hyperbolic toral automorphisms


Kalinin Boris,Sadovskaya Victoria,Wang Zhenqi


We study the regularity of a conjugacy H H between a hyperbolic toral automorphism A A and its smooth perturbation f f . We show that if H H is weakly differentiable then it is C 1 + H\"older C^{1+\text {H\"older}} and, if A A is also weakly irreducible, then H H is C C^\infty . As a part of the proof, we establish results of independent interest on Hölder continuity of a measurable conjugacy between linear cocycles over a hyperbolic system. As a corollary, we improve regularity of the conjugacy to C C^\infty in prior local rigidity results.


Simons Foundation


American Mathematical Society (AMS)

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